Raising funds for 60,000 pounds of food
The post office food drive is a beloved community event, but because of the way we’re using the interior of the Northampton Survival Center to sort and package food for deliveries, curbside pickups, and drive-through services, we don’t have the space to participate this year.
In years past, nearly 80 volunteers have packed into the Center on the second Saturday in May to sort and organize the more than 20,000 pounds of food we receive. Even if social distancing wasn’t a concern, we just don’t have the room this year to manage that much food on a single day.
But thanks to our partnership with organizations like The Food Bank, we can leverage a relatively small amount of money into a huge amount of food! Just $3,800 will allow us to provide 20,000 pounds of food—enough to make up for not participating in the post office food drive this year. And raising $11,400 will allow us to bring in the three years’ worth of post office food drive food we’ve missed since the pandemic began.
Make your gift by May 27 to help us reach our goal of providing 60,000 pounds of food to our neighbors in Hampshire County!