Updated Masking Policy for Volunteers and Guests

As of May 1, 2023 the Northampton Survival Center is beginning their new policy on wearing masks at the Center. On each door to the Center, there will be a notice for our current mask status, based on the risk levels of Hampshire County. A notice will also be posted on the main page of our website. The risk levels and requirements are listed below.

When Hampshire County is at … 

LOW RISK: Masking at the Center is optional. Those who choose to wear masks are always free to do so.

MEDIUM RISK: Masking is required in all common areas indoors at the Center, as well as in any spaces where social distancing of 6 feet or more cannot be maintained.

HIGH RISK: Masking indoors at the Center is required by all. Volunteers and staff may be asked to mask outdoors while working in close proximity with others at the Center.

As always, if you are experiencing any kind of transmissible illness (cold, flu, COVID), please stay home until you’re feeling better and are no longer contagious.

Any questions can be directed to our Executive Director, Heidi Nortonsmith at heidi@northamptonsurvival.org 
